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Ten qualities of an influential woman leader

We put together this article to dig into what it really means to be a woman in power with everything it entails. And to answer this big question: What are ten women leadership traits that all women in leadership positions should have?

Whether you’re launching a business, running a business, or working your way up in a company, we know there are challenges. But here’s something else you should know. The qualities that you bring into the workplace are not disadvantages- but strengths that will help you get through these challenges. Strengths that will inspire both men and women to be bolder and bigger.

But to incorporate this knowledge and succeed, women should first feel proud of everything they can and have- accomplished. Female leaders, it’s time to prove to the world what you can bring to the table as women. Ready? Let’s discover the true meaning of female leadership and unleash women’s truest potential.

Why do we need more women in leadership?

Yes, it’s the twenty-first century and women in leadership positions are still under-represented. As you may know already, gender can play a significant effect in defining leadership roles between men and women. But the fact is, studies show that businesses with women in leadership positions often excel. Yes, women are natural-born leaders.

It’s proven that having women in leadership positions can improve the productivity, creativity, performance, and collaboration of a company. For example, 21% of businesses are more likely to experience above-average profitability if the workforce is gender-diverse.

Ten qualities of effective women leaders

1. Humility

Female leaders are often the ones that bring in the most honest, sensitive approach to the table. In fact, women business owners are most likely to abstain from exhibiting their ego in decision-making processes.

Women in leadership positions should approach situations from a perspective of humility and open-mindedness. This will help them consider other people’s perspectives, change, and improve.

2. Self-awareness

Women tend to be more self-aware leaders. This is because they have more accurate knowledge about their strengths and weaknesses. Their attitude toward feedback is positive, and they set goals to improve their performance.

Start practicing your self-awareness in their day-to-day. For example, if you receive negative feedback from your boss on something you think you could excel at, don’t give up right away — think about what it would take to show them otherwise and improve.

3. Collaboration

One of the greatest strengths all women in business have is that they elevate others. They take their time to coach and mentor their subordinates. They also build transactional and strategic relationships with their employees, using feedback and direction to help people grow.

Additionally, they’ll be more open to hiring people who are better than themselves, because their egos are less likely to get in the way. This attribute enables them to unlock other people’s potential and promote effective cooperation on their teams.

4. Kindness: Be of service to others

Kindness is essential to leadership success. Kind leaders act in the best interests of themselves, their team, customers, and the community. Guess what? Women in leadership positions nurture these connections every day. Because women know that the results of helping that surround them can be exponential.

Practice kindness in your day-to-day. Connect others with ideas and resources, mentor others, and even help those above you. Connecting with your community is also key. Remember:

“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees” -Amelia Earhart.

5. Adaptability

Women are often required to take on the task of having multiple roles, especially if they’ve just opened their business.

The good news is that adaptability and multi-tasking are attributes that come naturally for most women. Being a natural leader means learning through experience. The experience here is being successful while balancing careers, households, and their families. The valuable asset gained after all of this sacrifice is a combined set of skills to adjust to new situations. When it comes to focusing on finding solutions to real-life work issues, women will prosper and triumph!

6. Emotional Intelligence

Women lead through inspiration, transforming people’s attitudes and beliefs, and aligning others with meaning and purpose. This type of leadership trait is called: emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is connected to higher levels of team engagement, performance, and productivity. If men spent more time trying to win people’s hearts and souls, leading with both EQ and IQ, as opposed to leaning more on the latter and nurturing a change in beliefs rather than behaviors, they would also be better leaders.

7. Communication Skills

Women’s practical communication skills help them maintain healthy business relationships whenever they are negotiating. According to Komal Lath, founder of Tute Consult, when a woman in business enters a negotiation meeting with a win-win attitude her success rates are higher because the opposition doesn’t feel like they’ve lost the deal.

To be a great communicator, be mindful and give credit to others. Always listen to understand and most importantly, be honest. Female leaders can use this power to enrich meaningful conversations with employers, co-workers, and partners.

8. Resilience

Resilience is the quality that allows you to overcome stress and adversity and to come back strong (maybe even stronger than before). Some of the factors that make you resilient are a positive attitude, optimism, and the ability to see failure as a form of helpful feedback.

We’ve all seen female leaders show passion, enthusiasm, and the capability to take command of a situation when needed. Let’s not look further than our mothers or female caregivers in this instance.

Just like the women in leadership you admire, women in business have to ability to make bold decisions as leaders; this leadership trait allows them to be cooperative, bringing a family-like feel to the team. To practice resilience, keep a positive attitude, and try to see failure as a form of helpful feedback.

> “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. It may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” -Maya Angelou

9. Creativity

Successful women leaders encourage creative and innovative ideas at the workplace. Failure becomes part of the creative process and isn’t penalized. What exactly leads women to be more creative in the workplace? Maybe it’s the fact they support different working styles, viewpoints, and solutions to problems.

10. Confidence

Women in leadership roles often hesitate because they aren’t sure of themselves. This, in turn, can cause them to hold themselves back – especially when it comes to considering themselves as ready for promotions compared to men. So, caution, female leaders, don’t underestimate your abilities and put your success on hold!

To practice confidence, stir away from collaborating and undermining your perspective to the point that you feel unsure about your decision-making power. Instead, nurture your self-confidence so that you feel secure about expressing your point of view.

What advice do we give to the next generation of women leaders?

Support other women in leadership.

Applaud others on their hard work too! Celebrate your women co-worker’s accomplishments! Offer them a hand, cheer them on! They are opening the way to a future full of empowered, successful women in leadership!


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Take risks, even if it scares you a little.

Stop evaluating yourself to a fault, undermining your experience and talent. It’s time to say yes to that position that might feel slightly out of your comfort zone.

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